F.A.W.C! Food & Wine Classic

F.A.W.C! Food and Wine Classic is Hawke's Bay's iconic culinary festival, held in stunning locations throughout the region.

When you’ve got a reputation as New Zealand’s Food and Wine Country, it goes without saying that you need a culinary festival which delivers on that promise.

Hawke’s Bay F.A.W.C! Food and Wine Classic fits the bill perfectly if we do say so ourselves. A glorious blend of local and visiting talent, mouthwatering produce to rival any region, enticing event themes to suit all manner of tastes, and stunning venues to showcase the lot.

Keep an eye on www.fawc.co.nz for all the details - make sure you sign up to be a registered F.A.W.C!er to get regular updates and an exclusive 24-hour headstart on ticket sales.

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Can't wait for F.A.W.C!

Hawke's Bay is home to plenty of outstanding food and beverage spots. Check out our Food Guide and Drinks Guide to start exploring Hawke's Bay's foodie scene