12 top Instagram Spots
Te Mata Peak
It’s hands-down the most photographed site in Hawke’s Bay, but we can’t get enough of Te Mata Peak in Havelock North! Sunrise and sunset are your best bet to grab the money shots, but really, any time of the day will do. Take a stroll around the various vantage points for a wide range of perspectives and landscapes. #tematapeak
Cape Kidnappers
These pale, craggy cliffs are home to the world’s largest mainland colony of gannets and also play host to one of the world’s most highly rated golf courses. Get there via the overland Gannet Safaris trip during the gannet season (please note, all beach access is currently closed due to ongoing rockfall slips). For a cheat’s version, or when the tours aren't running, you can get a pretty stunning version from Marine Parade in the late afternoon when the sun hits the cliffs. #capekidnappers

Cape Kidnappers - photo credit Grace Tennent
Panekire Bluff
Lake Waikaremoana, roughly translated as the ‘sea of rippling waters’, is an oasis of stunning natural beauty in the heart of Te Urerewa. There’s epic photography points all the way round the lake, but the one that seems tailor made for the ‘gram is Panekire Bluff. It’s about a 12km return walk from the Onepoto carpark – well worth the effort for the view. #panekirebluff
Shine Falls
Hawke’s Bay’s highest waterfall, the 58m Shine Falls is a long-standing Instagram favourite. It’s a decent trip, to be sure – 1hr drive from Napier each way, then a 1-1.5hr return walk – make sure you’ve got some sturdy walking shoes. But who doesn’t love a good waterfall?! #shinefalls
The Redwoods
These towering beauties make you feel small and insignificant, but they sure make for a great ‘gram from all kinds of angles. Knock of two for the price of one – grab your Redwoods photo at the start of your walk up to the summit of Te Mata Peak. #tematapeakredwoods

Redwoods, Te Mata Peak Park
Napier Viewing Platform
Hawke’s Bay’s own bridge to nowhere, the Napier Viewing Platform draws you down its architectural runway to the edge of the Pacific Ocean. On a good day, you’ve got views to Mahia Peninsula in the north, dramatically sweeping round the coastline to Cape Kidnappers in the south. Pro-tip, twice a year the sun rises directly through the viewing chute with stunning results. #napierviewingplatform
Mokotahi Hill
Take a 20-minute stroll to the top of Mokotahi Hill for panoramic views of Mahia Peninsula. The path is well-carved out, with only a short burst of steepness at the end, before you’re rewarded with the photo op that’s a must for any visit to this summer vacation favourite. #mokotahihill
Any vineyard
With 200+ vineyards, 70 wineries and 35+ cellar doors, it’s a hard job narrowing it down to just one. And why force it - they’re all stunning. Find your nearest cellar door, grab a glass of something you fancy, and go for a stroll to get the quintessential Hawke’s Bay ‘gram. #hawkesbaywine

Black Barn Vineyards - photo credit Flipflopwanderers via instagram
Sea Walls: Artists for Oceans
This groundbreaking street art project has transformed the streets of Napier with 50 mural masterpieces that serve to highlight the beauty and plight of the world’s oceans. Get a Sea Walls map from Napier’s iSite Visitor Centre, and then hit the pavements (or grab a bike) to be rewarded with epic backdrops for a ‘gram with purpose. #seawallsnz
Ātea a Rangi Star Compass
A recent addition to the Bay’s sites of significance, the star compass is a training tool used by celestial navigators who sailed traditionally throughout the Pacific. The rising and setting points of the celestial bodies are memorised by using the carved Pou (Posts) and the Horizon. So it’s perhaps no surprise that sunrises are the most magic time to capture the beauty of this cultural gem. #ateaarangi
Longest place name in the world
Central Hawke’s Bay can lay claim to the longest place name in the world - Taumata whakatangi hangakoauau o tamatea turi pukakapiki maunga horo nuku pokai whenua kitanatahu. Or Taumata Hill for short. You need permission to get to the actual spot as it’s on private land, but the sign is freely accessible – and that’s what’s important for your Instagram feed, right?! #longestplacenameintheworld
Kairakau Beach
Little known fact outside of the region - Central Hawke’s Bay has loads of great beaches. So pack a picnic and hit the road for some relaxed driving through rolling rural roads and you’ll soon be cooling off at your pick of picturesque beaches. For Instagram opportunities, we reckon Kairakau Beach is your best bet – about 30mins drive from Waipawa. #kairakau

Kairakau Beach, Central Hawke's Bay
Hawke's Bay road trips
Nothing like a roadie. Good music, great company, tasty food, windows down, arm out (with sunscreen on of course).
And where better to do a road trip than Hawke’s Bay. We’ve put together a super selection of trips to supercharge your holiday.
Here's some more great ways to explore Hawke's Bay: