Creative Improv For TEENS 13-17 years: CANCELLED

7 Lee Road Taradale, Napier

Creative Improv for TEENS is for all teens wishing to learn more about performance.
You may have graduated from our Drama Playground (8-12's) or just be ready to try something new and make some friends.

We offer an engaging programme for 13-17's s that inspires you to be creative, spontaneous, and take risks safely.

The class is run by Flaming Mojo and is facilitated by Mya Edwards and Emma Bowyer

Improv Academy's classes offer a positive and safe environment through the art of improvisation and the use of positive psychology.

We use heaps of fun games and imaginative scenarios in our lessons, to teach:

- improv & drama skills,
- teamwork,
- positive body language,
- respecting ourselves and others,
- public speaking skills,
- confidence and resilience.

Guaranteed to make your TEEN laugh out loud and enjoy themself.
Places are limited to 16 per class.

Take a look around...



Co-Lab Taradale , Napier, Hawke's Bay / Gisborne

7 Lee Road Taradale, Napier

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