
Our Kids Online - Iona College Parents Cybersafety Evening

42 Lucknow Rd, Havelock North

We want Iona College and our community to be a safe place for our students. Your daughters are growing up in rapidly changing times, and the risk, frequency and severity of online harm are increasing. We need to tackle this as a community.

As such, together with the Iona PFA, we have organised Filmmaker, Author and Speaker Rob Cope, Producer of the documentary "Our Kids Online" to come and give what promises to be a humorous and eye-opening evening talk free of charge to our Iona parent community.

Arrivals from 6pm and complimentary refreshments will be available prior to the event starting at 6.30pm. Please note this talk is for adults only and is not suitable for children or teens to attend.

We request that at least one representative from each family attend, and hope you are able to prioritise this within your busy lives. This topic is too big for us not to pay attention.

"We have now reached the point where it is irresponsible of us as parents, teachers, health professionals, and policymakers to continue to put these devices, which are designed to elicit addictive-like qualities, in our kids’ hands and then expect them to be accountable for their own wellbeing." Dr Samantha Marsh - University of Auckland Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, July 2023


Thu 3rd Apr 2025, 6:30pm


The Blyth Performing Arts Centre, Havelock North, Hawke's Bay / Gisborne

42 Lucknow Rd, Havelock North

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