Te Whanganui-a-Orotu/Ahuriri Estuary Litter Clean-Up
Meeanee Quay, Napier
Calling all kids ... Bring the whanau, friends and spread the word about the Te Whanganui-a-Orotu/Ahuriri Estuary Litter Clean-Up to celebrate Seaweek 2025. Join the Ahuriri Estuary Protection Society and the Department of Conservation to help stem the tide of plastics and other litter entering our estuary.
Plastics and pollution in our marine environments is a mounting global crisis and requires urgent action. Plastic chokes and entangles our marine life. When plastic in the ocean breaks down, it creates smaller pieces known as microplastics that are ingested by sea creatures.
Meet: 9am at the carpark opposite The Beach Inn, Meeanee Quay, Westshore.
Bring: Bring sun protection, drink bottle and sturdy footwear. Also, gloves, grab stick and a bucket to collect litter if you have them. We will provide rubbish bags and gloves.
Event cancelled if wet.
The Ahuriri Estuary has a range of habitats important to birds, fish, invertebrates and plant life. Over 70 resident and migratory birds species feed and rest here. Many birds arrive each year from their arctic breeding grounds to recover and rebuild body condition and energy levels, before returning for the next round of nesting and chick raising. Others gather over winter to take advantage of the estuary's abundant food supplies. The Ahuriri Estuary is one of the most significant habitats of its type on the east coast of the North Island.
Ahuriri Estuary, Napier, Hawke's Bay / Gisborne
Meeanee Quay, Napier